We need your help with our kickstarter project! Here’s how…
1) Send Us Your Photos
We need pics of your oldscool 2B Homecooked, PLAY clothes, and Useless products.
We’re making a gallery of all the shirt designs we made in the 90’s so people can vote for their favorites. If you have an old or new photo of you with one of your oldscool products, please send it by email to oldscoolbmxers@gmail.com or through the form on our contact page or on our facebook page. If we like it, we’ll post in on our Oldscool Gallery page. Note: We need a pic of the Vaun Stout Tee by 2B! (It was a rip of the Guinness Stout Logo). If you have a picture of one, please send!
2) Contribute To Our Kickstarter Project
Our Kickstarter project has launched! We need you to visit the project, watch the vid, and hopefully donate to help us get the ball rolling. You can donate as little as $1 or as much as a trillion. 25 bucks gets you you’re very own limited edition repro 2B, PLAY, or Useless tee, (as well as an oldscool BMX tee) and every contributor gets to place one vote toward the ten winning tees. We have lots of other reward levels that will get you all kinds of crazy crap. Thanks for making this happen. We couldn’t do it without you. Countdown to the end of our kickstarter:
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