In 1992, during the lean years of BMX, Go Magazine went out of business and there were no BMX magazines left. I attempted to fill that void by publishing the Cookbook. Somewhere between a zine and a a magazine, I printed 10,000 copies and mailed one for free to every person on the Trend Mailorder mailing list. I attempted to collect some funds for it after the fact but never managed to get enough dough to print a second. Thankfully another magazine startup came around later that same year called Ride BMX. We printed this promotional tee and it featured a photo of Rob Nolli doing an X-up. The text on the shirt is an actual letter received from an angry mom after receiving the cookbook and reads as follows:
Your publication is RUDE!
Your sexual innuendo & obvious support of homosexuality is disgusting. You have a young impressionable market – why drag them down in conjunction with their hobby of BMX. Your content is poor and your layouts are shoddy. You & your staff should close up shop now. Do NOT send any further literature. Take my name off your mailing list. – TJW, Yakima, WA
Ha! If you lived in Yakima Washington and this was your mom, let me know!
-Hal B