This is some serious oldscool here. Leigh Ramsdell, around 1990, doing a miami hopper drop-in wearing a 2B Wraparound Lizard shirt. (and with a ton of 2B stickers on his bike) This is when Leigh first started riding for 2B, back before we even had a multi-color shirt press. This was o
Camel cigarettes are made in Winston-Salem, NC and that’s where we were living we made this shirt. It has a rip of the camel (please don’t sue us) with the word PLAY on it and says “Camel City North Carolina” beneath. Leif Valin is shown here wearing it in 1996
We named this the Cheap Play Shirt because we designed it to be as cheap as possible to make. One color print on one side of a white shirt. People still bought it!
Hal B pictured wearing a PLAY oval logo tee shirt in 1996 (with Play knit hat). Trivia: the pic appeared in a giveaway ad in Ride Magazine saying “Hal Brindley will give you the shirt off his back”. Photo by Steve Buddendeck.
The “Metal” logo was designed by our friend Bog and was only available on black. This pic shows Hal B wearing Metal tee (with Leigh) in front of their house in Winston-Salem NC 1996.
This shirt was designed by a friend of ours known as Bog (his last name is Bogden). That’s why it became known as the bog man. Leif Valin is pictured here wearing it in 1996 in Winston-Salem, NC.
The Mike Laird Signature Tee from Useless This is the second Mike Laird signature shirt that I made. Mike is a bad ass on and off his bike. One of his favorite bands is Hatebreed so it just made sense to make him a signature shirt in the same spirit as them.
Matthew Marteinsson sent this pic of an original 2B Convoy tee shirt. Often referred to as “the Truck”, it featured two tractor trailers lined up in a convoy around the bottom edge of the shirt. This particular shirt has stains on it worthy of a real truck driver. Steve an
Many thanks to Dan Williams for sending this pic of his original Soul On Parole tee shirt (Free James Brown) by 2B Homecooked Garments. The artwork is by Steve Buddendeck and features a photo of me jumping over a shopping cart (on my seatless bully?) under the Super Fresh grocery stor